Film Production

Natural Born Lovers
Natural Born Lovers
  • Producers
    Tenki Tin
  • Directed by
    Patrick Kong
  • Screenplay
    Patrick Kong
  • Cast
    Chilam CHEUNG
    Annie LIU
    Ava LIU
    Mandy WONG
    Oscar LEUNG
    Mandy LIEU
    Jason CHAN
  • Genre
    Romance & Comedy
  • Hong Kong Screening Date
    25 OCT 2012
Movie Trailer

Inspired by a true story, it tells an implausible love experience with insanity.

Popular pastry chef Tailam acquaints with nurse Meibo, and falls in love with her. Not too long before Tailam realises Meibo is an oversensitive girlfriend: suspicious, jealous, controlling and slightly violent. She keeps track on Tailam’s whereabouts 24-7, and even secretly access his computer, phone, blog and Facebook accounts to spy on his private life.

Tailam is desperate to get rid of his crazy love, so he investigates into her past and finds out behind her crazy behaviour lies a deep secret…